Video Demos

Before YouTube I used to write code in order to put the videos I had created online. I remember exporting frames to Photoshop, translating them to gifs, and then displaying them using my custom Java video player so they would play over dialup. YouTube changed all that.

Albino! at Burning Man

This is a live performance video I shot at Burning Man in 2014 with a single handheld HD camera. As the conditions were harsh and it was a video for fun rather than a professional job I relied on the camera alone to record the audio instead of my Zoom H4 digital recorder. The biggest challenge was to link up scenes from long jams which had complex musical phrasing and rhythms and have it appear and sound as seamless as possible.

Ska Blues

This is a music video I created when I was between bands – the first in a series of solo videos that I did to keep my skills up. I was using my pocket sized point and shoot still camera in the field and in my studio and edited it with Adobe Premiere. It has gotten a bit over 1000 viewings the last time I looked.

Bassist’s Bible – Reggae Example 1

Out of the 100 videos I created for my book, 30 of them started as YouTube promos. Apparently my YouTube subscribers seem to favor Reggae as this video has gotten over 20,000 views so far. I shot this with three Hi-8 cameras. I used Logic and Audition for the audio. The video was edited in Premiere.